We are North Fayette Valley! Now what?
Since the two school boards signed the agreement, we have been off and
running. In the seven days since that January
21, we have held four half-day meetings with teachers in the core content areas
working on course content and alignment for middle and high school. We have had a meeting pulling together
administrators and AEA personnel to assess special education needs for both
districts. We attempted to have a
meeting with business teachers, but due to weather conditions, that was
postponed, as was an ad hoc meeting for the extracurricular folks. Oh yeah, the morning after the agreement we
spent a couple of hours with 54 students working to resolve the school
colors! In addition to all of that, I
have had numerous meetings face-to-face with Mr. Willhite, Mr. Imoehl. Mr.
Clark, and Mr. Nuss about matters relative to the sharing program. I have spent countless hours working in
collaboration with Mr. Clark in preparation for course selection and
registration, as well as time on the phone and via email with staff at Valley
arranging for meetings with students and putting a transition plan in
place. We have created a calendar for
all of the meetings and activities that we anticipate needing over the course
of the next four months to transition students, orient parents, and to make
certain we get every thing done. We have
come up with question after question, and I anticipate there will be more! And, I have attempted to do all of the other
parts of my job!
So, where are we? Headed in the
right direction! We knew it was going to
be busy, but thankfully we started on this effort way back at the start of the
school year. I am tremendously excited
about the new opportunities that are going to be created for our students. A new structure to our Language Arts and
Social Studies programs will be implemented that I think is great! We will roll out more details on that in the
near future. I also recognize that there
are going to be bumps in the road, and there will be some things that happen
that will be upsetting to some. Change
always brings with it some pros and some cons.
Productive and positive change sometimes takes a little while to bear
fruit. With that said, the students at
North Fayette Valley are going to find themselves in a much more comprehensive
academic environment, starting next year.
And, it will continue to grow.
School reform has been discussed at great length for the better part of
my 16 years as a principal. Now, with
the Iowa Core, our focus on technology, and the attention we are giving to this
opportunity, I can start to see some of this shift. It will be great for kids! Did I say I was excited? I’m excited!
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