Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Mom's Advice to Prepare Boys to Become Men

A while back I shared an article from Dr. Tim Elmore's blog about what parents should say when their kids perform.  As I have read more from Dr. Elmore, I continue to come across what I consider very good pieces of advice for parents in terms of raising this generation of young people who will in the not too distant future become our leaders.  As I read the article that I have linked for you, I recalled a statement made to me a long time ago from a veteran wrestling coach.  I was a rookie coach taking some lumps with a very inexperienced team.  I don't remember what lead to the comment, but it had to have been something about a particularly tough wrestler and perhaps his dad.  The old coach said, "Show me a tough mom and I'll show you a tough wrestler.  How tough the dad is had nothing to do with our tough the kid is."  In this article, you will see from a very successful mom, some of the keys to how she raised what are some very successful sons.  I hope you enjoy the article!

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