I don’t know when I first heard about the concept of every American high school graduate being required to give two years of service to Uncle Sam. This has to go back at least to when I was a teenager as I recall being told that in some countries all 18-year olds went into their country's military for a couple of years of service. Of course, that was back in the era of the Cold War and my guess it was some of those Iron Curtain countries that had that requirement, though South Korea, Turkey, Columbia, Israel, Brazil and a number of countries do require it today. There have been at least a couple of times in the last thirty-plus years when various leaders in our country have mentioned it, and I don’t know why but this is something that keeps coming up in my own mind. I have thought more so about it in the past five or six years and have started to adopt the belief that every American high school graduate should be required to give two years of service to our country. Let me explain four reasons this makes sense.
Kids Don’t Know What They Want To Do — A large percentage of this generation of young people is graduating from high school with no idea what they want to do with their life. Who could blame them in these rapidly changing and uncertain times! This idea of giving service will be two years — more if they choose — when they can mature and have additional experiences that may help them identify the path they want to take. It sure would beat throwing money away for two years of college at which time majors are changed and a somewhat out of date educational system prepares many students for careers where there really are not many jobs. A couple of more years of maturity would clarify things for these young adults.
Get Them Away From Mom and Dad — No generation of children have been raised by such over-protective, coddling, helicopter parents that have reinforced a strong sense of entitlement in their kids. Our kids have it easy, and we are to blame for that! We have given them everything they want, and I question whether we have given them what they need. They haven’t had to fend for themselves or do without. Few kids today mow the lawn, wash windows in the spring, or do dishes. Heck, we have kids in our own community that believe it is beneath them to work at Hardee’s or Subway! What happens with many is that 1) they are afraid to leave the nest when they graduate from high school and hang around for far too many years, or 2) they go off to college only to drive back every weekend and eventually drop out of school. This is common!
Pay Back For What You Have Been Given — Hey, our country has given a lot to each and everyone of us. Many people claim that our country needs to cut back on the amount the government spends on various services. Well many of us have been beneficiaries of some of those services, such as a public education, and it could be that by giving two years of service we could better justify the money that has been spent. We have young people who have benefitted directly or indirectly from various support programs like food stamps, social security, and unemployment. There is nothing wrong with having them turn around and give to others, just as others have given to them. Whether it is tutoring or running after school programs in parts of this country where education is poor, to serving as ambassadors for this great country in a Peace Corps model, everyone has something to give.
Contribute To The Country — Perhaps the best reason is to help out the country. Back in the era of Franklin D. Roosevelt, thousands of young people were put to work throughout the country and we still see the results of some of those WPA and CCC efforts. Today, our political leaders will not allocate money to maintain our National Parks or infrastructure improvements such as rebuilding roads and bridges. Labor for those projects can be provided with our nation’s 18- to 20-year olds! Parents who can’t afford day care so they can work a job could have a ready supply of babysitters. We can increase the size of our military, both at home and abroad. Heck, we could have such a large labor force that in some states we may not need to use prisoners on a chain gang to pick up trash and cut weeds along the highways! People often complain that no one is taking care of this, or taking care of that. Well, that can be done under this plan.
Lessen The Need For Cheap Immigrant Labor — I am not anti-immigration, nor am I one that bangs the drum about needing a wall to keep out illegals. I am realist and know that out economy still needs cheap, unskilled labor. No, this should not be a way to deliver free workers to corporations, but it could provide a pool of workers for government funded projects. A little hard work in the fruit and vegetable fields, or time spent landscaping might help develop an appreciation of physical labor.
In my grand plan I have a few rules that go along with this.
- Every high school graduate has their choice of joining the military for two years or providing service to the country for the same amount of time.
- No 18 year-olds are exempt except for those that are incarcerated, a resident of a mental health facility, or hospitalized for a life-threatening illness. Once these individuals are released they will serve their two years. Those with a physical disabilities will serve in a capacity where they are not limited. There are many jobs where a physical disability is not a limitation.
- Students that dropout of high school will be required to report within thirty days of dropping out and will serve until they reach the age of 21. While serving they will receive educational support in order to be eligible to enter at least a community college upon completion of their service.
- No cell phones except for an hour on the weekend. They will not be needed and are not necessary.
The plan isn’t perfect, but it’s close! There is still plenty of time for all students to go on to college and have a career of their choosing. As it stands now we have around 3.5 million young people graduate from high school each year, and about 1.2 million dropouts. That is a sizable workforce! We are facing uncertain times so there is a ready supply of individuals to serve in the military as well as young people that can make a difference in the lives of others. We have a lot of places in this country that would benefit from services that people can provide and what is lacking right now are the people and the money to do it. Well, this plan will provide the people, and since they are not being paid, they are coming at a low cost!
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