Tuesday, December 8, 2009

This blogging thing!

This is the first posting of my blog. I have to admit that until recently, I was reluctant to to take this step. But after looking through a number of blogs, wikis, and Facebook pages developed and used by teachers and administrators, I can see the value in having a blog to share my thoughts and information with others, particularly the North Fayette community. I am a slow learner, and I tend to let things sit for a while before I finish them, so this blog will most likely go through an evolution over the next few months before it becomes what I want it to be. I can assure you that my goal will be to keep it current and provide you with relevant information as it applies to our school and education.

I do want to draw your attention to our electronic newsletter that can be accessed on our school website. The Raptor is produced monthly and is designed to keep readers current on what is happening at North Fayette High School as well as provide information about the status of education in Iowa and the nation. My intent with this blog is to address issues that come up between newsletters, but also to provide a forum for discussion. I don't have the whole comment aspect of a blog figured out yet, but plan to provide that in the future. Give me a couple of weeks!

There may be times that I deviate from the topics of North Fayette and education, so please allow me the latitude to include other topics of importance to me. My thought is that there are some things related to what I do that may be of interest to individuals who read the blog.

I do want everyone to understand the the opinions expressed in this blog are mine and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the North Fayette Community School District. In some instances I anticipate that I will take a position that is not popular among some, and I hope that if nothing else, you will think about what I have to say. Civil discourse is a cornerstone of our most fundamental right of freedom of speech. There are times when a lot of good can come from sharing different opinions and perspective.

So, I am off into a new venture and I guess that now I can consider myself a blogger! Ultimately I hope that because of this source of communication, our educational programs at North Fayette High School will grow and continue to meet the needs for our students in this ever-changing world.

1 comment:

  1. Good start on this Blog. Now that there is a means to share views professionally, we can look forward to interesting chats about education.
